20 Shocking Facts on the Environment
We are experiencing warmer years than ever, our actions cause irreversible damage to the environment. Each year tens of thousands of species go extinct, deserts are advancing and taking over the land. But there are certain shocking facts on the environment far more serious but not known to many: 3. According to recent studies, 70% of the world’s marine species are at risk of extinction. 4. John Robbins in his book “The Food Revolution” reveals that you could save more water by not eating a pound of California beef rather than not showering for one whole year. 8. For the first time in history, overweight people is about to reach the number of underweight people. While some countries grow more prosperous, others confront with ever serious hunger problems. 12. Numerous species are going extinct and, by 2100, extinction may reach one third of all species now living. Not only will these animals be forever lost, but the loss of many ingredients for today’s medicine. This is produced in tropical forests and means for producers the sum of 30 billion dollars a year. 14. Don’t leave your tap running! Only a dripping tap means you’re wasting 13 liters of water a day. 15. Recycle, recycle, recycle! It takes around 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade. Recycle paper and for every tonne of paper you save 17 trees. 16. Thinking about going vegan? According to PETA, each vegetarian saves one acre of trees every year. 17. Indonesia contains the most known mammal species, but also the most mammal species under threat. 18. Rainforests have taken thousands of years to form but every second a portion the size of a football field is destroyed. 19. According to John Robbins, two-thirds of the products on supermarket shelves now contain 20. 55 square feet of tropical rainforest to produce one “quarter pounder”.1. Want to help the environment? If you we’re thinking about buying a hybrid car, think again. According to scientists from the University of Chicago, the environment could benefit more if you go vegan than if you buy an eco-friendly car.
2. Who is the #1 source of water pollution? In the U.S., the main source of water pollution is not chemical waste but the excrement of farm animals.
5. Fruits and vegetables go to waste every year. People cannot afford to buy them so the EU spends millions of euros annually to destroy good fruits and vegetable. The US and Canada have equally despicable food policies. This is done while over 40,000 children die every day due to starvation.
6. Animals raised for food currently generate between 15 and 20% of methane emissions globally.
7. In recent news, scientists aim for lab-grown meat. This means that a single cell taken from an animal could produce in theory the world’s annual meat supply.
9. Fish farming has been developed to replace to wild fish stocks that are ever lower. Ironically, these farmed fish are fed wild fish thus depleting the oceans even more.
10. Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. 50 million tons of paper are consumed annually by Americans, more than 850 million trees being cut down.
11. It takes 5 pounds of wild ocean fish to produce a single pound of farmed saltwater fish or shrimp.13. More than half of the world’s tropical forests have been lost. Each year, over 63,000 square miles are destroyed.
genetically engineered ingredients that are not labeled.
We are experiencing warmer years than ever, our actions cause irreversible damage to the environment. Each year tens of thousands of species go extinct, deserts are advancing and taking over the land. But there are certain shocking facts on the environment far more serious but not known to many: 3. According to recent studies, 70% of the world’s marine species are at risk of extinction. 4. John Robbins in his book “The Food Revolution” reveals that you could save more water by not eating a pound of California beef rather than not showering for one whole year. 8. For the first time in history, overweight people is about to reach the number of underweight people. While some countries grow more prosperous, others confront with ever serious hunger problems. 12. Numerous species are going extinct and, by 2100, extinction may reach one third of all species now living. Not only will these animals be forever lost, but the loss of many ingredients for today’s medicine. This is produced in tropical forests and means for producers the sum of 30 billion dollars a year. 14. Don’t leave your tap running! Only a dripping tap means you’re wasting 13 liters of water a day. 15. Recycle, recycle, recycle! It takes around 450 years for a plastic bottle to degrade. Recycle paper and for every tonne of paper you save 17 trees. 16. Thinking about going vegan? According to PETA, each vegetarian saves one acre of trees every year. 17. Indonesia contains the most known mammal species, but also the most mammal species under threat. 18. Rainforests have taken thousands of years to form but every second a portion the size of a football field is destroyed. 19. According to John Robbins, two-thirds of the products on supermarket shelves now contain 20. 55 square feet of tropical rainforest to produce one “quarter pounder”.1. Want to help the environment? If you we’re thinking about buying a hybrid car, think again. According to scientists from the University of Chicago, the environment could benefit more if you go vegan than if you buy an eco-friendly car.
2. Who is the #1 source of water pollution? In the U.S., the main source of water pollution is not chemical waste but the excrement of farm animals.
5. Fruits and vegetables go to waste every year. People cannot afford to buy them so the EU spends millions of euros annually to destroy good fruits and vegetable. The US and Canada have equally despicable food policies. This is done while over 40,000 children die every day due to starvation.
6. Animals raised for food currently generate between 15 and 20% of methane emissions globally.
7. In recent news, scientists aim for lab-grown meat. This means that a single cell taken from an animal could produce in theory the world’s annual meat supply.
9. Fish farming has been developed to replace to wild fish stocks that are ever lower. Ironically, these farmed fish are fed wild fish thus depleting the oceans even more.
10. Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. 50 million tons of paper are consumed annually by Americans, more than 850 million trees being cut down.
11. It takes 5 pounds of wild ocean fish to produce a single pound of farmed saltwater fish or shrimp.13. More than half of the world’s tropical forests have been lost. Each year, over 63,000 square miles are destroyed.
genetically engineered ingredients that are not labeled.